You all know that feeling when you just need your space and you don't really want to talk to anyone?
Yeah, today was like that.
This made two of my friends, i.e. Ryan and Elizabeth, extremely uncomfortable because I'm the one who gets conversations going and talking happening. Without me there is silence. Seriously.
So as we're leaving our 4th period walking to our 5th, in silence, I hear this:
"Did you know that most people think that tree frogs are only indigenous to the rain forests when in actuality there is one species indigenous to California?"
Thank you Ryan, I did not know that.
To which I reply:
" 'Where did that come from?' (because let's be honest that really did come out of no where.)
'You weren't talking so I came up with a conversation starter.' "
I could not have written a better scene, this is so perfect! But hey he's trying; maybe by the start of next year we will have moved from little known facts to questions as potential conversation starters.
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