Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Discussion Time!

Okay, remember several years ago when we were having a family road trip to Nevada, it was probably for boating, possibly family, well I just remember sitting in the back listening to Christopher and Brendan talking organic chemistry, I distinctly remember there being a discussion on cancer cells, anyway smart science talk was happening. Well, somewhere along the way Christopher makes a joke and we all laugh, when it dies down I say, "I don't get it!" and then even more laughter followed suite.

Well,  I say, "No More!!" I'm a college girl now and I will get the jokes!
 - Probably not but that's beside the point - 
At least I'll have an idea, not just an elementary education to grasp at anymore!

So it is now that I wish to pose these questions to you all:
What is reality?
Have we experienced it?
Does it even exist?

Thank my Psych class for this while you all stew over that for a while.

Here are my thoughts:
  • We have our own individual realities that we experience through our own perceptions, but we are not experiencing one single reality right now, currently.
  • We've experienced small portions of reality spiritually, but have never experienced reality in its entirety.
  • It exists, but not on Earth.

Those are my deep thoughts for the week.

Enjoy :)

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