Saturday, March 24, 2012

it's true to the book

Ok diddo to Carly, the Hunger Games, totally book candy! But the movie, it's like book candy to the next level! Please see it as soon as humanly possible!! They actually follow the book pretty darn well and the filming is pretty darn great!!

But just to warn you the filming in some spots is little like a documentary, a lot of moving and not always smooth shots. Just in case you are in danger of motion sickness. But mind you it's only in some spots not the whole thing.

Mormal Pictures

Ok so here they are, at least the ones that Mom and Dad took. Brother and Sister Lee took the majority of pictures along with the Starr's, which should be on facebook....

And da da da da........ here they are!

the dress....
 the corsage.... it was really tight!!
 I actually got the boutonniere on by myself!!
 a couple shot.... we matched pretty well didn't we?:) And we were in absolutely no danger of being pinched that night either!
 family shot.... thank you Dad...

....and the rest are on facebook. But these pictures right here are probably the best. But woohoo I've been to my first Mormal, yeah!!

La la la la la la la.....

So I don't think that I ever told all of you that I got a callback for the musical at school? First off the musical is Rodger's and Hamerstein's Cinderella and I got a callback for Cinderella. But before you all freakout, I didn't get it. I got the Queen instead in cast A and a talking mouse in cast B! So I'm Gus and Woopi Goldburg! ;) 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

catching up

So sorry that I've been so bad about staying up-to-date with this blog. I thought I'd be so good and turns out that I'm not that good at all!

So Here's what's been going on with me:

  • Mormal (aka Mormon Prom) happened....

 so Connor Lee asked me.....
 the theme for Mormal was "The Sweetest Night of Your Life", pretty cute if you ask me....
 and as you probably guessed I said YES!!!
pictures from yesterday are still to come and I promise they are coming!!!

P.S. I've always loved this painting, but we learned about it in AP Euro this week and my love for it intensified!
Luncheon of the Boating Party by Pierre-Auguste Renoir <3