Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Time

I hope that you all had a great Easter yesterday!

And I hope that the Easter bunny found your house alright...

I got a Scotty McCrerry CD and a Cath Kidston wallet, and yes I still use my Easter basket because it's so darn cute!!

Love you all<3

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mind Blowing!!

So Mom, Dad, and I saw Cirque du Soleil Iris this afternoon and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!! We saw it at the Kodak Theater...

This was mind boggling good, as all Cirques are. But there was so much going on at once it was so hard to see everything that was going on. There was no possible way to see everything.

The guy below during intermission was so cute because he and this other girl were walking around mingling with the audience, all in character and being adorable. These two were so lovable!!

The theme for this Cirque is the movies. So below is a movie reel thing that they did, it was amazing to watch. The timing was so perfect and accurate and just mind blowing! And the other picture was this whole Noir sequence with trampolines that was awesome.

They really connected with the audience. And even used the audience in parts of the performance. But I tell you what these people can do with their bodies is astounding!

I'm pretty sure I spent the whole time with my mouth wide open! This truly was an experience!! 

Spring Break

It's finally spring break!!!!!

Now I know that BYU doesn't have Spring Break, but you guys are all graduating in like 2 weeks and I still have 6 more years of school to go, just saying. And I have to do an AP Euro unit this week too, so we will all be working this week! ;) Love you all!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Promise

Alright so last week in Young Womens my teacher Sister Sundburg told us of a pact that she and her siblings made before her brother left for his mission. It was that no matter what at least once a year they would all get together. 

I would love it if we could do this too! To make a pact, a promise, that no matter what we will always be able to get together at least once a year! I don't know what you guys think of that,I hope that you like it! ;) Because I really like it and I hope that we would be able to see each other all together more than once a year, but I know that's not totally an option right now,but hopefully someday it will be! Love you guys <3