Sunday, November 24, 2013


So yesterday I got this in my email:


It is my pleasure to inform you that Utah Valley University has accepted you for the 2014 FALL academic term. We are delighted to welcome you.


My initial reaction was:

Ok, great. I know at least one college wants me.

When I mentioned this to Mom, Dad, Carly, and David, rather nonchalantly, they were all taken aback by my lack of enthusiasm. 

All I have to say to that is: It didn't come as a shocker, I knew that I was gonna get in… I mean… it's UVU

Anyways, to make a long story short:


(Let's hope there are more acceptances behind that one!)

Monday, November 18, 2013


Ok I kind of am in love with this French commercial, I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do!

Enjoy :D

Saturday, October 26, 2013

College apps

Alrighty. . . I'm kind of freaking out

One college down - Utah Valley University (UVU)
(not really worried about that one)

Five colleges to go - Brigham Young University Provo (BYU)
Idaho (BYUI)
Hawaii (BYU Hawaii)
University of California Davis (UC Davis)
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

I'm at the same spot on my UC and BYU college apps:

Personal Statement

and in my opinion, scariest part.

PS. 100 words or 500 characters. 160 characters. 250 words maximum. That's nothing people! The real test is fitting within their word/character limit!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Future in Disney?

So today I sang in Sacrament meeting for Tyler Whitaker's missionary farewell. I sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and suffice to say it was very moving, I was holding back tears at the end.

Well tonight at the Whitaker home for his farewell I was talking to Sis. Whitaker and she gave me some interesting news: her brother works for Disney and is very high up; in charge of their Tokyo, China, Anaheim branches and so on. Well, he heard me sing, and he LIKED ME!!! Sis. Whitaker went on to say that he is the "Simon Cowell" of the audition process, but he's not the final word, he sends you up to the final word. So I mean he's like almost the final word, right?!

I'm just so happy that he really liked me!! This could be my connection!! I'm so excited it's not even funny!!

So Disney? Yes?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Important Announcement

This is Sir Reginald:

A beautiful 2006 Honda CRV.

Upon first receiving him I had initially found him to have something in regard of a male nature. However, recent feelings while driving Reggie has given him a more feminine feel.


I know.

While disclosing this information to my friend Kaitlin she brought some interesting facts to my attention:

Elton John's real name is Reginald Dwight.
Elton John has been knighted.
Elton John is gay.

Oh my goodness! My car is

I was just as shocked as you.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Senior year

I know, you're all just as shocked as I am,


As a Junior you're so happy and proud and make sure that everyone knows you're an upper class-man. Then you hit Senior year and your pleadingly saying that you're still a Freshman. Baby steps.

  • 5 classes
  • open 5th period
  • an hour and thirty minute "lunch"
  • 2 electives

They really do save the best for last.

Somehow I don't think that it'll be that hard to get used to. Sorry guys, but little sister Brooke is growing up! Full steam ahead!!


So I come home from Idaho, relax for a day, and then was off to Utah! There is no rest for the weary traveler.

Purpose: see family and TOUR COLLEGES

Who decided that I was old enough to be doing this? 
What do I need to know?
A major? 

Utah Valley University (UVU)
  • nice campus, not so much from the outside, but the inside is nice
  • EVERYTHING is under one roof
  • help for anything and everything is EVERYWHERE
  • is still in the valley
  • good programs 
  • good acceptance rate

Brigham Young University (BYU)
  • beautiful, large scale campus
  • campus population is larger than my high school population
  • is 98% LDS
  •  I already know it fairly well
  • not as high acceptance rate
  • I received a free T-shirt

After considering these two schools, among others, you'll be shocked to find out the my college of choice is:

Brigham Young University (BYU - Provo)

I know, you're all shocked.

So senior year begins, the 2nd half fun and lively, the 1st tormented waiting for school acceptances. So it begins.


So last month, crazy that it's already been that long, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a week with Aunt JoAnne and Uncle Jerry. Suffice to say, I had a pretty great time.

1.   I flew into the Idaho Falls airport - now my EFY counselors, majority BYUI-ers, had warned told me about its micro mininess, it has 2 gates. Not until my return flight did I realize that since it is just so small and not as in demand as other airports, security doesn't open until forty-five minutes before your scheduled flight, depending on how many flights are departing. There's a seating area in front of security, not only for those to wait for incoming friends and family members (and missionaries) but also for those others that are waiting for security to open.

2.   Idaho Falls is not unlike Utah. I felt like I was almost in Provo. But then we drove deeper into Idaho and the difference of the two states become more apparent. Leadore (LEAD-ORE) is sandwiched between big and glorious mountains, its own little valley. When we'd leave the house the view you watched loom closer was beautiful: magnificent mountains, plateaus, tall grasses, grazing cows and horses, and lots of dirt.

3.   This trip gave me the most wonderful opportunity, to get to know family. I am, some say, the "Family Ambassador" ;) As JeriAnne said, "It's nice for a member from my side of the family to visit for a change!" and I'm so happy that I got to be that family member. It's funny the things that you remember as a kid, it's always the weird things. I was probably around four or so the last time we as a family went to visit Aunt JoAnne and Uncle Jerry; I don't remember falling off of Happy, a horse, but I do remembering eating cubes of cheese on the carpet, specifically that carpet! So when I we finally made it home - Idaho Falls to Leadore is a 2 hour drive - I was so happy to see the carpet I still remember from fourteen years ago!

4.    I'm mighty proud to say that I've learned quite about regarding livestock, in particular steers. I must admit that being licked by one is caught an experience. I mean I knew that they were fairly nice creatures, but licking me like a dog, who saw that one coming?!

5.    The fair was so fun! I've been to the OC Fair, but that's pretty fake, I've been to the Indiana State Fair, that was fun. But I can honestly say that I've been to no truer or funner fair than the Lemhi County Fair! What a ball it was!

6.    I did homework - Thank you Swenson for assigning me a good size load of summer reading and flashcards!!! But I did it! Ask Aunt JoAnne, I was a studious student in those few moments of spare time. I was even proud of myself.

7.    Definitely a highlight for me was being able to attend Uncle Jerry's Purple Heart Ceremony - It was 45 years late, but no less moving and I feel so blessed that I was able to be apart, in a small way, of this occasion. I have a very special place in my heart for our servicemen and our country, something I hope that you all do too.

8.    Back-to-school dinner - The perks of going to a small school (class sizes averaging from 5-10 or so) is the relationships. Teachers and students know each other personally and on a very one-to-one bases, there is no age line between the kids, everyone is friends with everyone kindergarten through 12. (Here's the school: elementary on the left, high school & middle school on the right, and the gym in the middle) Another perk is the nice lockers and equipments, not to mention books! But the big thing was the day before school started was registration and dinner for everyone. There was even a prayer! But absolute favorite was Jaidee, "Basically everyone here is related somehow, except the Jensons!" Everybody loves the Jensons because you can date them and it's ok! ;)

9.    Saying Goodbye - Although happy to be back home, I sincerely loved and enjoyed every second of my Idaho visit. I promised to come back and some day I will! Love you!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Just for laughs

While you're all waiting for my marvelous and life changing posts regarding Idaho and Utah, please enjoy this wonderfully hilarious video:

I laugh every time!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

My experiences...

Alright so this post has been a week in the making.
As all of you know last week I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Nauvoo, Illinois for EFY (Especially For Youth), and what a blessing it was. Last year I was extremely fortunate to go to Fiji for HEFY (Humanitarian Experience For Youth) and I thought that no other EFY could ever surpass the experience and spiritual growth that I had there.

In some ways I was correct; there is nothing like serving your fellow man and the bond of friendship and love that is created between the one serving and the one receiving the service, especially when you are immersed in another country and culture. Most think that it is the one receiving the service that gets the greatest benefits, but to me it is the one giving the service that truly receives the greatest benefits and lessons. There is nothing like service to bring you closer to God and understand the love that He has for each and every one of us. Not that I had exactly forgotten this, but it reintegrated itself within me while in Nauvoo.

I didn't head to EFY with negative thoughts, I was nervous of course, but I didn't go in thinking that I wouldn't get anything out of it. I just wasn't prepared, I hadn't prepared myself for the wonders and amazements that were to meet me there.

There is a spirit in Nauvoo, the Saints are still there, and in many ways I feel like they never left. They lived in Nauvoo for only seven short years, their prophet was martyred while they lived there, they dedicated their glorious temple and then had to leave it the same day. The faith that these people had is beyond my comprehension; I hope that if I had been one among them that I would have had the courage to exercise half as much faith as they did.

This EFY was a Special "Extended" EFY, meaning that we only had one day of classes, two teachers, and one dance, but we got to tour around and see our church's history up close and very personal. Part of the extension was that we were able to do baptisms for the dead in the beautiful and wonderful Nauvoo temple. (I have to say that the Nauvoo temple has stolen my heart, sorry New Port.) Before I left Dad found three names for me to do in the temple, two female and one male. Earlier that day I had fallen and scraped up my knee and gotten some pretty major blisters on my feet, it was looking like a rough day. But when we walked (limped) to the temple there was something special in the air. I've never done family names before and this was extremely special for me. After my company had changed into our baptismal clothes the temple president spoke to us, it was then that I began to feel the spirit. I knew that these two women were with me. While in the confirmation room I could feel them so strongly that I began to cry (the only one in the room crying by the way). I was second to be confirmed, but since I had names I was the first to be baptised. As I walked towards the font I was completely overcome and couldn't speak, my friend Africa, assuming something was wrong, asked me what the matter was. One of the temple workers there knew exactly what I was feeling, and came over and gave me a hug. When I entered the font and was baptised for them I knew that they were happy. When I was confirmed at the waters edge I was so overcome with the spirits of these two women that I could barely contain myself. The temple worker noted that these weren't close relatives, one being from the 1700s, the other from the 1500s. Still I felt them within me, their long wait was finally over and they were full of joy. Here's an excerpt from my journal right after: "Now several minutes after my marvelous experience, I suddenly find myself very tired. I know that the spirits of my ancestors have left and returned to heaven. But they are happy, I know it. It is quite a tired though, being so full of the spirit and then to have it lessened as I feel them leave. It is a happy exhaustion though, I feel truly touched, dare I say changed. There is a sweet spirit here in the Nauvoo temple, the saints are still here with it; I don't think that they ever truly left. Joseph and Hyrum never saw the completed temple, but I believe that they love this one and are so happy to see us coming and doing the work. Even in death there still is hope and love. Even in death you can move forward."

Suffice to say it was a very spiritual and beneficial moment for me personally. Before the temple we were able to take a horse drawn carriage ride through part of Nauvoo. This is when it began to truly hit me, I was in NAUVOO. Joseph walked these streets, rode these hills, sought inspiration in this forest, was shot, killed, and martyred in this room. The following day we took a bus to Carthage and the spirit is there. It is not a happy place but it is full. It was strange to walk the stairs the mob ran, it was sickening to see the bullet hole in the original door; my whole company felt the spirit there and as we left the house we all found a place on the grounds and knelt and prayed. Twenty-two kids kneeling in prayer in public, it was a beautiful sight; then we gathered together and sang Praise to the Man. I have always had a love for the Prophet Joseph, but my love has been strengthen and emboldened by this experience.

Sorry for such a long post, but I wanted to share with you some of my experiences while in Nauvoo and to continue to show you the depth of my testimony in this Church. I love you all very much and am so grateful that we can be together forever.
I Love you

Monday, July 1, 2013

The truth....

I share the same fear Einstein, I share the same fear.

But here's to hoping that we all can surpass the expectations of those before us, surprising the people who have already decided our fate, and having a successful future; I'm putting hope, faith, and trust in all of us to be able to rise up against the world and hold onto our humanity in its purest form, love.

Friday, June 28, 2013


So I've got some news to share with you all because I'm just so super happy about this!!
My last ACT score: 26
What I'm aiming for: 28
The score I just received: 27
I'm so happy about this, you have no idea!! I was terrified of having a lower versus higher score that I'm just giddy with glee inside that I did better!!! Yes, I have the ability to succeed in these college tests and get into a good college!!! ;)

Monday, June 17, 2013

100m dash!!

Down to the final stretch...
Finished Spanish...
Almost done with Junior year...
Practically a Senior...
Bring on the stress and awesomeness!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Feeling those Summer Blues

Everyone is out of school but me. Trabuco, we're not friends anymore. Capo, can I transfer? 

(Next year Trabuco starts on September 10th, but gets out on June 25th!!! If I get into Provo for Summer I'm not finishing high school traditionally!!)

Friday, June 7, 2013


You all know that feeling when you just need your space and you don't really want to talk to anyone?
Yeah, today was like that.

This made two of my friends, i.e. Ryan and Elizabeth, extremely uncomfortable because I'm the one who gets conversations going and talking happening. Without me there is silence. Seriously.

So as we're leaving our 4th period walking to our 5th, in silence, I hear this:

"Did you know that most people think that tree frogs are only indigenous to the rain forests when in actuality there is one species indigenous to California?"

Thank you Ryan, I did not know that.

To which I reply:

" 'Where did that come from?' (because let's be honest that really did come out of no where.)

'You weren't talking so I came up with a conversation starter.' "

I could not have written a better scene, this is so perfect! But hey he's trying; maybe by the start of next year we will have moved from little known facts to questions as potential conversation starters.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Growing Pains

So in Sunday School this past Sunday Sis. Harder asked us all what we'd like to do for a living since we are reaching that age of decision.

So we go around the room:

Tyler- Biochemical engineer

Noel- nutritionist

Carissa- pediatric doctor of some kind

Krista- psychiatrist

Spencer- film editing

me- musical theater....?

 We're an ambitious group/grouping to say the least...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Counting down!!!

I'll be singing (and dancing) to this, this time next month!!

(if we're being official, one month as of Sunday the 19th!!)

Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Senior year here I come baby!!!!

Best friends forever?

We all know the of the special bond that Bella and Ralph share. Right?

Well this past weekend that special bond was tested...

the crime scene

the after math

the culprit

She doesn't even look sorry. 

Ralph spent one evening this weekend in the jacuzzi, unbeknown to any of us. However I can not speak for Bella and her actions. We are all ashamed and glad that Ralph is still with us.

Are their best-buddy days coming to an end? This does not bode well for poor Ralph III. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Never ever ever again...

This past dance has taught me a very important lesson:


This is the second time it has happened to me. I'm starting to think that I'm jinxed or something with all this pre buying! So I know that you all are beyond this point, but I thought I'd tell you all anyways, and who knows this might be usefully information for later. :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Would you believe me if I told you that



especially the carpet,

is a replica of the room and carpet in

I know. Disney you continue to amaze me. However, this truly was an unexpected discovery. I wonder what this is supposed to tell us about Sid...

We may never know....

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mind boggling stuff...

Sorry that I've been the worst about updating, but lets be honest, we all have been haven't we? (Curse you Instagram!!! ;)

Anyways, moving on... I know that this question has been bouncing around in all of your heads, "What ever happened to Hercules?" Well I can tell you!

This hunk:

Is this guy: (blue trench coat)

I hope that you all have seen ARGO. If not we WILL be having a screening of it while we are at the beach house (count down 47 days)!! Mr. Tate Donovan [aka Hercules] is one of this captives playing "director" in this amazing, heart racing, captivating true story that I won't bother giving the details on because you should all know it. And if you don't I'm flabbergasted and you must read up on it immediately.

So know you know my ever exciting news and can continue along with your wonderful lives.

Love you all!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Did you know?

Next week my English class will be starting the Great Gatsby, the book that I've been anticipating the most this year! Today we watched a film on the 1920s so that we can have a better understanding of the book and its details.

So.... here's a Fun Fact:
Did you know that the scene in Some Like It Hot when Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis are in the parking garage and Spats Colombo has his men take out those 7 guys in the parking garage on Valentines Day? Yeah well that's based on an actually event, Al Capone and the Valentine's Day Massacre, happened in a parking garage and everything!

And here's some more fun facts! 
This Tuesday there's supposed to be a comet headed towards Earth, so keep a look out Tuesday night!

And one more!
Today is International Women's Day, so say thank you to a woman in your life! ;)
I love you all and have a happy weekend!!!

to Christopher and Brendan!! :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Catching Up....

So I realized today while I was talking to Brendan that I had been bad about keeping you guys posted on some things. I'm not selfish or self obsessed, but I know that you all want to know what's going on in my life!! Now I know that you all have been dying to know about the movies I'm in in Film! So I'll tell you:

Melissa (me) is accused of killing her best friend Stacy. Rumors are flying around the school that she's the one that did it and she's being ostracized for it. Her friend Jennifer tries to "comfort" her, but as we find out it's Jennifer who really killed Stacy and also kills Melissa because they "knew too much".

  • So I die, am sad, and misunderstand! Yeah!!

Skip and Gigi
We open on two people, Skip and Gigi. They appear normal, but are they? We follow them through a whole day, through the ups and downs of a relationship, and get few minutes to relax as we watch this silent movie. As the movie continues we see that they are actually dogs. (Bella will be playing the dog version of Gigi) 
  • So basically the movie is about dogs who see themselves as humans....
  • I am a doggie owner...
Now this Saturday is Winter Formal! So I thought that I'd give you sneak peak at my dress:

I'm thinking some cute black flats because my date is the same height as me! Now ladies, any idea for hair? I'm thinking down...

I love you all!! Let's get better about keeping in touch!! <3

Thursday, January 24, 2013

In the Eye of the Storm

The storm has almost passed.

Only ONE more final to go!! And then I'm done for another semester, and do you know what that means?! In 5 months I'll technically be a SENIOR!!!! That's crazy.

What's really crazy is that I'm finally DONE with Online Health!!! Hallelujah, praise the Lord!! What I loved the most was for our final we had to go to her classroom and take it, 100 fairly laughable questions, and then a written portion. You'd think that we'd be asked about STIs and their effects, the 6 main nutrients of the body, the reproductive system, yada yada yada.... Nope, I had to write a 60 point worth paragraph on how I've grown and what I've learned about myself taking an high school online course. Does it get easier than that folks? I think not.

Now after I take my last final (English) I will be enjoying this beautiful classic:

With two of my favorite leading men :D

Thank you Film for giving me something to look forward to!!