Thursday, July 31, 2014

Living in an Extrovert's World

I would like to begin by saying, I love you all, but let's talk.
Don't be scared! I just want to say a thing or two.

So what is introversion exactly? Extroversion?
An extrovert is someone who enjoys socializing with others and has a lower level of naturally occurring arousal, that's why they enjoy the company of others because they need the stimulation to increase their arousal levels.
An introvert is someone who is less likely to enjoy being with others because they have a naturally higher arousal level, and don't like being around others as much because they find it overly stimulating.

Makes sense right? I thought so.
Thank you Psych!

Well, here is an interesting thought that I had never really fully comprehended, is being an introvert and is being shy the same thing?
A shy person is someone who finds people physically, emotionally, and mentally frightening. An introvert is just a person who enjoys works solitarily, they like their privacy.

Now, extroverts are wonderful, I love them! But their way is not the only way; we need extroverts and introverts to function as a well rounded society. So why does our world discourage introverts? Why do we look down at those who don't mind being alone for a while? Why do we think others who enjoy some solitary time are odd? Why?!

I agree that when you get outside of yourself and try new things and make friends you're happier, but there's a place and something to be said for not having that already as a part of you. I'd like to say thank you to you all for pushing me outside of myself, but to remember that if you're not naturally an extrovert, that's okay. You're not sick, you're not weird or nerdy or whatever, you are just you.

I think that I would describe myself as an ambivert, I'm moderately comfortable with groups and social interaction, but I also relish time away from crowds.

I know that our family is all over the spectrum from introvert to extrovert, but I feel like we encourage more extroversion in the home and I wanted to make sure that the benefits of introversion were not forgotten as they should be applauded as well, in my mind.

This TED talk really says it all, so if you have 20 minutes to spare, I highly recommend it!

Okay that was my two cents, please continue with your lives.

Friday, July 11, 2014


I find this very curious, and so incredibly awesome! I wish that it wasn't R, but alas. 

I hope you find it as intriguing as I do! If not, sorry.

Cinema is becoming more and more curious everyday! I'm so curious as to see what they'll do next!
This may only be the beginning - does anyone else see Truman Show here?!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Discussion Time!

Okay, remember several years ago when we were having a family road trip to Nevada, it was probably for boating, possibly family, well I just remember sitting in the back listening to Christopher and Brendan talking organic chemistry, I distinctly remember there being a discussion on cancer cells, anyway smart science talk was happening. Well, somewhere along the way Christopher makes a joke and we all laugh, when it dies down I say, "I don't get it!" and then even more laughter followed suite.

Well,  I say, "No More!!" I'm a college girl now and I will get the jokes!
 - Probably not but that's beside the point - 
At least I'll have an idea, not just an elementary education to grasp at anymore!

So it is now that I wish to pose these questions to you all:
What is reality?
Have we experienced it?
Does it even exist?

Thank my Psych class for this while you all stew over that for a while.

Here are my thoughts:
  • We have our own individual realities that we experience through our own perceptions, but we are not experiencing one single reality right now, currently.
  • We've experienced small portions of reality spiritually, but have never experienced reality in its entirety.
  • It exists, but not on Earth.

Those are my deep thoughts for the week.

Enjoy :)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

This is Water

Reporting from Brigham Young University, your newest cougar, Brooke Leigh Tobler!!
{insert raucous cheers and loud applause}

Well, I've done it y'all, I have flown the nest and begun my individual journey. Its crazy to think, I know it's weird for me, I can't begin to think how weird it must be for the rest of you, that I'm in college! I mean to me BYU and college were always the end goal and what I strove for, but I never fully imagined myself here. College was what the big kids did. I watched all of you go through the stages and the life changes, I was just an innocent bystander who cheered you and supported you here a little and there a little. So now that it's finally my turn, my life has kind of rocked!

So far college life is amazing!
classes - amazing
people - great
BYU - fabulous

I've been here for just under two weeks and already I've spent more time in the library than all my four years at Trabuco combined!
{Albeit I never really used the library, but still!}

Anyways, just know that your lil sis is doing fine, just trying to find her way in a brand new world.

And here is a video from my Study Skills professor that I just really loved:

Love you all, hope life is treating you well,
much much love,