Sunday, March 18, 2012

catching up

So sorry that I've been so bad about staying up-to-date with this blog. I thought I'd be so good and turns out that I'm not that good at all!

So Here's what's been going on with me:

  • Mormal (aka Mormon Prom) happened....

 so Connor Lee asked me.....
 the theme for Mormal was "The Sweetest Night of Your Life", pretty cute if you ask me....
 and as you probably guessed I said YES!!!
pictures from yesterday are still to come and I promise they are coming!!!

P.S. I've always loved this painting, but we learned about it in AP Euro this week and my love for it intensified!
Luncheon of the Boating Party by Pierre-Auguste Renoir <3


  1. Woohoo for a blog post! I've been perusing Mormal pictures on facebook and can't wait to see more...

  2. I love Renoir! But I'm not familiar with that painting... you'll have to fill me in on it sometime...

  3. That is a favorite painting of mine too. I remember learning about it but have forgotten all of the cool stuff I guess.
