Friday, October 19, 2012

Welcome to movies with Brooke

I would like to give my professional critique on The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

First off I did not see any "perks" whatsoever in this movie. If the perk is getting stoned and occasionally getting laid in a make-out setting then all right, however, we will agree to disagree on these "perks". Now my professional critique is as follows:

Was the movie filmed well? Yes, I actually really enjoyed the cinematography, even if it did remind me of The Social Network. Both are kind of dark story lines and so are filmed in a darker setting than would be normal; all the shots had an old memory feel. Everything felt like it was damp, like how when you soak something in water and it's darker.

Was the acting good? Yes, it definitely wasn't bad acting. I just felt awkward. Let me be specific, I felt awkward watching them, they made ME feel awkward. 

How were the actors? The main three actors, Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, and Ezra Miller were good. Their characters were very interesting, rather complex. Individually I liked them, all together however and as we got further into the story I just found myself getting tired of them. I can only watch high school going a rye for so long. 

How did it make me feel? Honestly, it made me happy that I have values and a strong Mormon background and support in my life. As I watched it all I could think was "This isn't high school. This isn't high school. It's so much better than this!" My hands never left my face for the whole movie.

You want my advice? DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE, TRUST ME!!!

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