Saturday, September 14, 2013


So last month, crazy that it's already been that long, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a week with Aunt JoAnne and Uncle Jerry. Suffice to say, I had a pretty great time.

1.   I flew into the Idaho Falls airport - now my EFY counselors, majority BYUI-ers, had warned told me about its micro mininess, it has 2 gates. Not until my return flight did I realize that since it is just so small and not as in demand as other airports, security doesn't open until forty-five minutes before your scheduled flight, depending on how many flights are departing. There's a seating area in front of security, not only for those to wait for incoming friends and family members (and missionaries) but also for those others that are waiting for security to open.

2.   Idaho Falls is not unlike Utah. I felt like I was almost in Provo. But then we drove deeper into Idaho and the difference of the two states become more apparent. Leadore (LEAD-ORE) is sandwiched between big and glorious mountains, its own little valley. When we'd leave the house the view you watched loom closer was beautiful: magnificent mountains, plateaus, tall grasses, grazing cows and horses, and lots of dirt.

3.   This trip gave me the most wonderful opportunity, to get to know family. I am, some say, the "Family Ambassador" ;) As JeriAnne said, "It's nice for a member from my side of the family to visit for a change!" and I'm so happy that I got to be that family member. It's funny the things that you remember as a kid, it's always the weird things. I was probably around four or so the last time we as a family went to visit Aunt JoAnne and Uncle Jerry; I don't remember falling off of Happy, a horse, but I do remembering eating cubes of cheese on the carpet, specifically that carpet! So when I we finally made it home - Idaho Falls to Leadore is a 2 hour drive - I was so happy to see the carpet I still remember from fourteen years ago!

4.    I'm mighty proud to say that I've learned quite about regarding livestock, in particular steers. I must admit that being licked by one is caught an experience. I mean I knew that they were fairly nice creatures, but licking me like a dog, who saw that one coming?!

5.    The fair was so fun! I've been to the OC Fair, but that's pretty fake, I've been to the Indiana State Fair, that was fun. But I can honestly say that I've been to no truer or funner fair than the Lemhi County Fair! What a ball it was!

6.    I did homework - Thank you Swenson for assigning me a good size load of summer reading and flashcards!!! But I did it! Ask Aunt JoAnne, I was a studious student in those few moments of spare time. I was even proud of myself.

7.    Definitely a highlight for me was being able to attend Uncle Jerry's Purple Heart Ceremony - It was 45 years late, but no less moving and I feel so blessed that I was able to be apart, in a small way, of this occasion. I have a very special place in my heart for our servicemen and our country, something I hope that you all do too.

8.    Back-to-school dinner - The perks of going to a small school (class sizes averaging from 5-10 or so) is the relationships. Teachers and students know each other personally and on a very one-to-one bases, there is no age line between the kids, everyone is friends with everyone kindergarten through 12. (Here's the school: elementary on the left, high school & middle school on the right, and the gym in the middle) Another perk is the nice lockers and equipments, not to mention books! But the big thing was the day before school started was registration and dinner for everyone. There was even a prayer! But absolute favorite was Jaidee, "Basically everyone here is related somehow, except the Jensons!" Everybody loves the Jensons because you can date them and it's ok! ;)

9.    Saying Goodbye - Although happy to be back home, I sincerely loved and enjoyed every second of my Idaho visit. I promised to come back and some day I will! Love you!

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