Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dating... It's really happening

First off NO I didn't go to Winter Formal last night. My reasons:

  1. It's expansive
  2. Barely any of my friends are old enough to go
  3. I still have 2 more years of high school, there are still many more dance opportunities 

But I still went on a date last night anyways, just not formal. And I knew that if I didn't tell all of you soon Mom and Dad would and then all of you would be harping on me about it, so lets just get it over with! ;)

So my friend Jeni invited me on a double date a couple of weeks ago, but the hitch was was that I had to ask a guy myself. With the pickings being few since the majority of my friends have yet to turn 16, I only had a handful of choices. I decided to ask my friend, emphasis on friend, Ryan. So last night Ryan, Jeni, Josh, and I did the classic "Dinner and a Movie" double date. We saw Sherlock Holmes -- which if you haven't seen it you must! It's great and the ending is great, I nearly chocked on the gum I had been chewing it was so great! ;) -- We ate at the food court in Foothill and the only seating we could find was out side. This was rather unfortunate because the Santa Anna's were blowing loud and strong last night, but we had fun all the same, trying to keep our dinner's on the table and attempt to eat gracefully as the wind blew straight in our faces. Then Jeni being Jeni came armed with a camera. So as soon she uploads those I will make sure to post them; once I figure out how to do that. (I'm not tech savvy at all and I don't know how to post anything other than these little write ups, I must have a blog tutorial over ski weekend!) And that was the date. Simple, but fun and good company.

All and all your little sister is dating. Crazy! ;)

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a good first date to have. We still need to meet this Ryan though.
